Call for Abstracts
The Executive Committee, led by Chairman Prof. Mike Bradley, is calling for innovative and interesting papers on:
- Powder flow testing
- Segregation
- Mixing
- Mechanical conveying
- Silo design for flow
- Pneumatic conveying system design and simulation
- DEM – process modelling
- Mechanical behaviour of bulk materials
- Wear
- Particle attrition
- Particle interaction / deformation
- Industrial applications in the form of end user case studies
- Additive Manufacturing
During the conference the session chairs will select exceptional oral presentations for Featuring Articles on CHoPS 2018. These articles will be collected into a special web page. They will be published as Virtual Collection on CHoPS 2018 of the Journal Advanced Powder Technology .
If you have any questions regarding publication/conference proceedings, please do not hesitate to contact .
SSRN (Elsevier)
CHoPS 2018 offers authors the favourable chance of hosting the 6-page papers produced at the conference at SSRN Engineering Research Network (Elsevier). SSRN helps conferences share proceedings by hosting them in their interdisciplinary EngRN eLibrary. Accepted papers will be highlighted with the CHoPS2018 reference across to enable discovery of the conference and will have a DOI.
Abstract submission
Oral presenters are encouraged to prepare a 6-page paper.
Poster abstracts - abstracts for posters are being received until 1st June 2018.
Please download the template and follow the instructions provided in the template
Please email your completed template to
The poster boards are 180cm high x 120cm wide. So suitable for A0 landscape or portrait. Please print your poster ready to display on day one. We will provide velcro to attach the poster to the board. The posters will be displayed throughout the conference.
Poster prize sponsors